The methodology for calculating and proving the economic value of volunteering has been developed by the Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organisations on the basis of existing foreign and Slovak recommendations and methodologies. The starting points were mainly the International Labour Organisation (ILO) manual on calculating the economic value of volunteering, the EEA and Norway Grants applicants’ manuals, data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and the European Youth Foundation methodologies.

The different parts of the methodology:

  • Volunteering as co-funding or as “in-kind contribution”,
  • Evidencing the number of volunteers, hours worked and calculating the economic value of volunteer work to the project.
  • Possible methodologies for calculating the economic value of volunteer hours.

Options for calculating the economic value of volunteering:

  1. Calculation based on average gross wages by occupational class
  2. Calculation based on average gross wages regardless of occupational class
  3. Calculation based on the minimum wage graduated according to the difficulty of the work
  4. Calculation based on the minimum wage irrespective of the difficulty of the work

Prepared by:

Mgr. Alžbeta Frimmerová
doc. PhDr. Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová, PhD