The Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organizations associates organizations active at least in three of following areas:

  • the development of volunteer opportunities within community in the partnership with other organizations,
  • strengthening the positive image of volunteering,
  • stimulating the interest of wide public for volunteering,
  • helping the development of volunteer programs and activities within organizations and organizations and/or communities and supporting the cooperation and networking in this area,
  • connecting people willing to volunteer with organizations in need of volunteers,
  • focusing on the creation of political strategy leading toward the creation of favourable social climate for volunteering.

Current Members of the Platform:


Private and legal entities applying for the membership in the Platform should submit the application. In case of legal entity, the application should be signed by the statutory representative of the applying organization and should consist of:

  • the declaration that the organization/institution meets all requirements for the full membership as stated above,
  • contact details for the applicant and for a person who will represent the applicant organization in the Platform,
  • description of the applicant organization/institution.


The approval of the membership is made by the general assembly of the Platform and is based on the application.

Membership fee is 50 Euro per year.

Who can be a Member?

Any legal entity focused on the development of volunteering can become a member of the Platform, however, it should carry out at least three of the following activities:

  • the development of volunteer opportunities within community in the partnership with other organizations,
  • strengthening the positive image of volunteering,
  • stimulating the interest of wide public for volunteering,
  • helping the development of volunteer programs and activities within organizations and organizations and/or communities and supporting the cooperation and networking in this area,
  • connecting people willing to volunteer with organizations in need of volunteers,
  • focusing on the creation of political strategy leading toward the creation of favourable social climate for volunteering.


Private entity also can become a member of the Platform, however, the minimum age is 18 and he/she should be allied to the idea of the development of volunteering.

Benefits for the Members of the Platform:

  • regular information and experience-sharing in the area of volunteering in Slovakia and other countries,
  • advocacy on behalf of volunteering and its support on the level of state, municipalities, and other relevant stakeholders,
  • discounts and priority participation in events and programs organized by the Platform – such as educational events, supervisions, and consultations,
  • opportunity to cooperate on international projects.
Detailed information about membership and the responsibilities of members can be found in the bylaws of the Platform.