Discover Volunteering – ESS project
Discover Volunteering! was a 20-month project (5/2019 – 12/2020) under the EU programme European Solidarity Corps (ESS), which in cooperation with the partner organisation in Spain Asociaciación Gantalcalá included activities ranging from the search and selection of a suitable candidate, preparation and deployment of the volunteer in the host country, to the welcoming and hosting of the volunteer in Slovakia at the Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organisations for a period of 12 months.
The purpose of the project was to create the opportunity for self-development, gaining experience, skills and competencies for young people aged 18 – 30, and to positively support their direction and application in their personal and professional life.
Through the experience of functioning in the conditions of a different culture and customs, as well as active participation in volunteer activities in our organisation, the participants of the exchange had the opportunity to understand the importance of civic participation and commitment to the benefit of others, to develop not only personally and professionally, but also to participate in the promotion of the development and dissemination of the idea of volunteering and solidarity as such, and thus help to support the goals and needs of our organisation.
Discover Volunteering! / No. 2019-1-SK02-ESC11-002044 was administered by the National Agency Erasmus+ for Youth and Sport, Iuventa – Slovak Youth Institute, within the framework of the European Solidarity Corps programme funded by the European Union.
ImproVal is a two-year Erasmus+ project (Key Action 2 Strategic partnerships), involving five partners from five European countries (Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Slovakia).
The project kicked-off in Helsinki, Finland on October 29-30th 2018 and aims to provide a synthesis of the work undertaken in the EU on the validation of volunteering experience. It will do so by bringing together the coordinators of a number of previous validation projects, making the methods, tools and thinking behind validation of learning in the voluntary sector known through a validation compendium, conducting a small-scale study on the usefulness of validation for volunteers, and by encouraging a dialogue between relevant stakeholders locally, nationally and at European level.
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SoVol is in short the name of the project“CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE SOCIAL SECTOR through the Development of Volunteer Programs at Social Institutions in the CEE Region”.
The main goal of the project was to strengthen the capacity of social facilities in Central and Eastern Europe to provide quality services for disadvantaged groups of people, such as people at risk of poverty, the elderly, people with disabilities or people from national minorities.
SoVol is implemented by Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány, Volunteering Hungary – Centre of Social Innovation (, in partnership with the Platform of Volunteer Centers and Organizations Slovakia, (, the Association for Civil Society Development SMART in Croatia, (, Volunteer Centre, Warsaw in Poland (, Pro Vobis – National Resource Center for Volunteerism in Romania, ( and Movisie – the Netherlands centre for social development, ( from September 1st 2016 until August 31th 2019, and funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program
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Levol-app is a European partnership to improve the volunteering management programmes of non-profit organisations through an online training platform created on five languages.
It was a 28-month strategic partnership at EU level funded by Erasmus+ and its Key Action 2 for the development of VET coordinated by Pista Mágica – Associação (Portugal) with the support of Neo Sapiens (Spain), Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale (Italy), Platforma dobrovolnickych centier a organizacii (PDCO) (Slovakia) and the Birmingham voluntary Service Council (BVSC) (United Kingdom).
As a result, partners created an online platform on five languages to support NGOs on the creation or improvement of programmes to better engage volunteers as active citizens and improve the competences and professional skills of the volunteer managers.
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